Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 20: Next Few Days Critical In Whether $4.5 Trillion Wanta Money Repatriated For Americans

The Ambassador Leo Wanta story has been ringing in the ears of high level officials all over the world for the last two weeks ever since President Bush and the Federal Reserve Board refused to honor a $4.5 trillion written agreement to release the money for the betterment of the American economy. Wanta had previously entered into an agreement with high level U.S. authorities and a number of world wide banks to repatriate the massive amount of money. But his efforts have been blocked by officials who are afraid to open up a "financial can of worms," leading to the misuse of trillions of offshore funds by Bush Sr., Clinton and many other high level U.S, officials. Wanta has been declared legal trustor of more than $27.5 trillion in offshore funds amassed when he was instructed by President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Russian currency at the end of the Cold War, which turned into a highly successful financial program beyond Wanta and Reagan's wildest dreams. But instead of using the money to strengthen America after Reagan was out of the picture, Bush Sr. and Clinton devised a plan to use the money for their own underhanded purposes, jailing Wanta in the process, as they then created phony front companies and illegal trusts to use the money illegally. Once Wanta was released from jail, he began a quest to recover the money against enormous odds and a level of corruption called by financial observers as the "biggest bank heist in the history of the world." Although the incredible details of Wanta's patriotic search for trillions is too long and complicated for this short article, the story supposedly had a quasi-ending when the written settlement in May, assisted by two federal court judges, was entered into for the repatriation of $4.5 trillion. However, when Wanta became alarmed by long delays, he gave officials until July 31 to release the money, saying this publicly on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, and confirmed by Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of his AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the company established to return the money to the people in the form of an immediate $1.575 trillion in federal tax money and the balance of the money set aside for improving the bewildered American economy. Furthermore, when the July 31 deadline came and went, Wanta vowed to take all steps necessary to recover the money and as this story went to publication, Cottrell said "we are moving forward," remaining confident in the final goal, which is full and final receipt for the money due Ambassador Wanta . Besides the $4.5 trillion settlement, financial observers claim the Wanta saga is the tip of the ice berg, revealing a vast war chest of more than $300 trillion used by the New World Order, headed up in America by Bush Sr. Coincidently, this amount was even confirmed by Bush Sr. in the federal court room of Judge Deborah Batts in 1989 when arrogantly stood up in front of lawyers and said when confronted with the possibility of the exposure and elimination of his illegal cash cow, the Federal Reserve: "Over my dead body will this ever happen and I have a $300 trillion dollar war chest to fight it." Although no firm time frame has been set for the resolution of the Wanta matter, observers claim next week is a critical period to watch. Further, observers say to watch for "the bigger picture" as the Wanta's exposure of the misuse of trillions of offshore money could have reverberations worldwide leading to a possible shake-up in the Federal Reserve banking system and a round up to justice of many high level officials who have been illegally using trillions of dollars behind the backs of the American people and the people of the world. However, while the officials do their financial wrangling, let's look at a sampling of emails, only a handful of thousands sent to Arctic Beacon by average Americans made aware of what has been called one of the most important stories in American history: From Windsong in California: I have been following this closely because of some mention of it on a forum I read quite often. I admire Ambassador Wanta for standing for truth and not being moved by people that have the power and influence on their side. It seems he is up against impossible odds. So I suppose my question is this, in light of the government's refusal to sign off on this, what is Wanta able to do? I hope all are exposed that are to blame for this, but other than that what leverage does he have. My prayers are with him. From Loretta Weston in Arkansas: I am editor for a small independent family-oriented newspaper in Arkansas USA interested in reporting on the Leo Wanta story. We are an all-volunteer staff where all funds go directly to printing/postage costs. However, we want to help spread the word to our over 4000 loyal readers in the US & Costa Rica. How can we get access to the full articles on your web site? From Garrett Seick in Washington state: For my part, I have contacted several journalists, editors and elected officials (WA) and Senate & Congressional Committees (Budget, Finance, etc). The responses/replies received from media-types indicated personal agreement that this issue needs exposure, but that it was outside the "scope" of the publication, or that it was too big to handle. On the elected official side - mostly standard-fare like this from Washington State Senator Patty Murray: (note: my reply to her response appears first) Senator Murray, All due respect, Ma'am. Thoughtful deliberation?... How about action on this issue! Come on, Senator! Get educated about it & bring this to the public eye. If not, you've been duly informed & will go down in history as complicit! Please, take action on this issue & help save America - land of the free (?) & home of the BRAVE. Dear Mr. Seick: Thank you for contacting my office. Your thoughtful comments regarding Leo Wanta are greatly appreciated. Representing the state of Washington in the United States Senate is a solemn responsibility, and matters which come before this body must be decided not in haste, but through thoughtful deliberation. ... Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind. Again, thank you for your comments. I hope you will stay in touch. Sincerely, Patty Murray United States Senator From Jeanette Woodward-Partridge: I wrote you the other day about my fear that if this government got a hold of $27.8 trillion dollars the world would be a nuclear graveyard in short order. I had an idea and I was wondering if you could run it by Ambassador Wanta next time you speak to him. Could these funds be divided among the LEGAL citizens of the US? That is every U.S. citizen, native or naturalized would get an equal share. Can you imagine how that would effect the economy of the world?! I'm so concerned about that money falling into the clutches of the powers that be that as I said I'd rather see it destroyed than to help fund the annihilation of the planet. From Don DeHaven: I have been e-mailing this story to my e-mail list and I have asked that they do the same. My list covers many states and in turn as it gets passed on many more states. I have also e-mailed Congressional reps as to my demands. I know that many on my list have done like wise. Keep up the work and please tell Mr. Wanta that he is not alone. The revolution has started and as many more Americans wake up to the criminal elements in government many more will be involved.

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